Kulata Tjuta is a stunning publication produced by the Art Gallery of South Australia in partnership with the APY Art Centre Collective and APY Art Centres. Created to celebrate the landmark APY regional exhibition of the same name, and documented in 3 languages this stunning publication contains messages and essays from the cultural leaders of the APY communities who are running community art centres today.
The exhibition itself is an extraordinary collaboration of the APY Art Centres with curatorial support undertaken by Iwantja Arts under the considered and skilled leadership of Maringka Burton, Betty Muffler, Alec Baker with support from Beth Conway. This stunning publication was driven by the highly skilled team at Mimili Maku Arts including Tuppy Goodwin, Partimah Fielding and Anna Wattler. Anangu Artists and Art Centres are thrilled to have worked with the committed expertise and generous support of the Art Gallery and South Australia through every step of the process. The exhibition launched at the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Rennes, France in 2020 and will show in 2021 at Musées d’Art et d’Histoire – Valorisation des Patrimoines Ville du Havre.