Iwantja Arts
Indulkana, APY Lands, South Australia
Iwantja Arts is an Indigenous-owned and governed art centre, located in the rocky, desert country of Indulkana community on the APY Lands in remote north-west South Australia. Iwantja Arts is the named after the Iwantja Creek near where Indulkana community was founded, which is the site of the Tjurki (native owl) Tjukurpa.
The art centre was established in the early 1980s by founding artists and directors Alec Baker and Sadie Singer, and Iwantja Arts now supports the artistic careers of its 40+ predominantly Yankunytjatjara artist members, proving access to artistic and professional development. Iwantja Arts is renowned for its innovative and culturally rich projects with prestigious outcomes that celebrate Anangu cultural strength and artistic excellence.
Primarily a painting studio, Iwantja Arts also supports artists exploring innovative practices utilising experimental materials and processes, as well as a multimedia program supporting intergenerational collaborative film projects like NEVER STOP RIDING (2017) and Kungka Kunpa (2019).
Early-career artists from Iwantja Arts that have exhibited through APY Gallery include Daisy Barney, Emily Cullinan, Eric Barney, Heather Brumby, Judith Walkabout, Julie Yatjitja, Mary Brumby, Mitika Burton, Ngila Mungkuri, Priscilla Singer, Raylene Walatinna, Rene Sundown, Rosalind Tjanyari, Sally Ann Roberts and Yatjiki Cullinan.