Kaltjiti Arts
Fregon, APY Lands, South Australia
Kaltjiti Arts and Crafts is a community based Indigenous art centre located in Fregon community on the APY Lands of South Australia. The art centre is the heart of Fregon community and a place where culture is celebrated through dynamic artmaking. Through their artworks, Elders and senior artists teach younger generations about important cultural traditions and stories, passing on knowledge that has come to them from their ancestors.
Kaltjiti artists are known for their aesthetic diversity and depth of talent. Senior artists Witjiti George, Taylor Cooper, Manyitjanu Lennon, Imitjala Curley and Matjangka Norris, alongside mid-career and emerging Kaltjiti artists celebrate the region’s Tjukurpa (ancestral stories and law) through their artmaking. This commitment to Tjukurpa and traditional painting techniques has allowed Kaltjiti Arts to establish a reputation for producing artworks of the highest quality and rich in cultural integrity.
Early-career artists from Kaltjiti Arts that have exhibited through APY Gallery include Aaron Ken, Aileen Adamson, Amanda Lennon, Anyupa Stevens, Beverley Cameron, Carolanne Ken, Celena Tunkin, Delma Forbes, Gladys Roberts, Imitjala Curley, Ingrid Treacle, Joyce Robin, Kani George, Kathy Maringka Roberts, Madeline Curley, Mantuwa George, Maria Curley Walyalyangu, Meredith Treacle, Natalie Robin, Pollyanne Smith, Rachael Stevens, Rosina Pollard and Witjiti George.