Pauline Wangin

Artist Pauline Wangin
Date of Birth 1970
Language Pitjantjatjara, Yankunytjatjara
Art Centre Mimili Maku Arts


Pauline was born in Indulkana on the APY Lands in the far northwest of South Australia. She grew up in the neighbouring community of Mimili.

Pauline started working at the art centre when it was first founded. For many years, Pauline was a dedicated artworker until she started focusing entirely on her painting practice in recent years. Her paintings resonate with a deep appreciation for the landscape and the stories that have created it, featuring elaborate detail and meandering pathways reflecting the intricate network of waterways on country.

When she is not painting, Pauline loves to sing and play keyboard or go on bushtrips with her family. Pauline often goes out to Victory Well, which lies between her birthplace of Indulkana and her home of Mimili. She enjoys teaching the stories passed on to her by her ancestors, particularly focusing on the care for rockholes.




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