Ngila Mungkuri
Artist | Ngila Mungkuri | ||
Date of Birth | 1971 | ||
Language | Yankunytjatjara | ||
Art Centre | Iwantja Arts |
Ngila Mungkuri is daughter to fellow Iwantja artists Masie King and the late Kunmanara (Peter) Mungkuri who was a senior cultural leader, award winning artist and an Order of Australia recipient. From a young age Ngila has learnt from her father on Country, learning to hunt for malu (kangaroo) and kaliya (emu). When she was older Ngila moved to Adelaide for her high school education before returning to Indulkana to work as an AEW (Anangu Education Worker). She works at Iwantja Arts and continues to paint the stories she has learnt from her father about their Country.