Jeannie Minunga

Artist Jeannie Minunga
Date of Birth 1/07/1952
Language Yankunytjatjara
Art Centre Umoona Arts


Jeannie Minuga is a senior Yankunytjatjara woman. Jeannie was born in 1952, her mother's country is Iwantja and her father's country is Kunamata and today she lives between Umoona and Oodnadatta. Jeannie began painting at Umoona Arts Centre in October 2021, and paints alongside her husband Keith Minunga, sister in law Kay Finn and daughter Myra Kumantjara.

Jeannie paints her Country, Paradise, and Wanampi Tjukurpa, the water snake dreaming. As well as painting individually, Jeannie paints on collaborative canvases with Kay and Myra, depicting their country and its important cultural stories.

Jeannie has been included in sell-out Umoona Arts exhibitions and alongside Myra and Kay was nominated as finalist in the 2022 Wynne Prize for their collaborative painting ‘Nganampa Ngura.’




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